Peace A. Medie is a Research Fellow in the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy at the University of Ghana and was a 2015-2017 Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellow. Her research centers on the dynamics of violence, including gender-based violence, during and after conflicts and the steps that state and non-state actors take to address this violence. Her research has been supported by grants from the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation and the Social Science Research Council and has been published in African Affairs, International Studies Review, and Politics & Gender. She is a co-editor of African Affairs.
Email address: pmedie@ug.edu.gh
Academic Qualifications
PhD, University of Pittsburgh, MA Ohio University, BA University of Ghana
Areas of Research
Gender and Security, Civilian Protection, African Politics
Peace A. Medie and Alice J. Kang, ‘Power, knowledge, and the politics of gender in the global South’, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 1, 1-2 (2018), pp. 37-54.
Peace A. Medie, ‘Rape reporting in post-conflict Côte d’Ivoire: Accessing justice and ending impunity’, African Affairs, 116, 464 (2017), pp. 414-434.
Betcy Jose and Peace A. Medie,‘Understanding why and how civilians resort to self-protection in armed conflict’,International Studies Review, 17, 4 (2015), pp. 515-535.Lead article.
Peace A. Medie, ‘Women and postconflict security: A study of police response to domestic violence in Liberia’, Politics & Gender, 11, 3 (2015) pp. 478-498.
Peace A. Medie, ‘Fighting gender-based violence: The women’s movement and the enforcement of rape law in Liberia’, African Affairs, 112, 448 (2013), pp. 377-397.