Senior Research Fellow
She teaches courses in International Law and International Humanitarian Law. Her research interests are in the areas of peace and security generally, with a particular focus on the institutionalisation of the processes for enhancing peace and security by Africa’s multilateral institutions. She holds a BA in Political Science and Theatre Arts and an MA in International Affairs from the University of Ghana; an LLM in International Human Rights Law from the University of Nottingham, UK and a PhD in Human Rights in Political Science from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy.
Email: ldarkwa@ug,edu.gh.
Selected Publications
- Darkwa, Linda (2016), “Strategic Relations between the African Union and its Partners” in Cedric de Coning, Linnéa Gelot and John Karlsrud (eds), From Janjaweed to Boko Haram: Strategic Options for African Peace Operations, London: Zed Books 2016. Chapter 5 (Accepted for publication)
- Darkwa Linda (2015), “The African Union and the Phenomenon of Foreign Fighters in Africa” in A. de Guttry, F. Capone and C. Paulussen (eds), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond.The Hague: T.M.C. Asses Press, 2015. Chapter 19
- Darkwa Linda, Enhancing Peace and Development through Compliance Monitoring: Lessons from Ghana’s 2013 SOTU Process in Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. Vol. 10, Issue. 3, 2015
- Darkwa Linda Winning the Battle and Losing the War: Child Rape in Post Conflict Liberia in The International Journal of Children’s Rights. 23 (2015) 790-817
- Darkwa Linda and Attuquayefio Philip, (2014) Analysis of Norm Diffusion in the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States, African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, Issue 2, Volume 4, pp. 11- 37.